We are here to be and express Love. Love is what we are and Love is what we see in all others.

Soul Center Experience

We are eager for you to experience Spiritual Soul Center. We want you to feel inspired, connected, joyful, peaceful and at ease. Each aspect of our service is intended to move you away from the distractions and demands of daily living and into the sanctuary of your soul.

Spiritual Soul Center meets every Sunday, 11am at 3403 Winston Boulevard in Wilmington, NC.

Check out our YouTube channel for Rev Paula’s Sunday messages and mid-week Soul Sessions. You can find them on our Facebook page as well. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page and get our content and announcements right in your mailbox. Check out our calendar for events and service projects. Stay in touch!


You will hear a variety of music from local talent including Jared Michael Cline, Perry Smith, Rog Davis, Laura McLean, Wendy Montague, Soul-R-Fusion and Nathan Gerry. You never know who might join us to offer their own brand of soulful and uplifting tunes. Check out our calendar to see who will be at Soul Center this week.


You will hear a message that inspires you to think, to open up to a greater understanding and to help you put spiritual teachings into action in your life. Paula is vulnerable and powerful. Just the kind of teacher to point us toward another possibility. What are we really doing here? How can we serve ourselves and each other?


Meditation is one of our Core Practices. We dedicate time during every service to ease into meditation and open to the movement of the Divine. We close our time together with this prayer: May I be filled with loving-kindness. May I be well. May I be peaceful and at ease. May I be happy.


Soul Center Sunday

October 27 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Card Party to support WNC !!!

October 27 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

What Else?


Our Mission statements are personal and powerful. They are based in kindness and love and reflect our intention to grow, serve and transform.

We are here to create a movement, grounded in love and kindness that transforms our individual life, our community and the world.

We live an inspired spiritual life through the practice of universal spiritual principles, prayer, meditation and service.

We grow through our dedication to learning and practicing what we know.

We serve by offering our unconditional love, kindness, acceptance, financial support, time and skills to those in need, and in the process we elevate our own consciousness.

We transform ourselves, our community and the world by our commitment to honor the inherent goodness and dignity of all people.


A central principle of Spiritual Soul Center is serving others. We don’t have to look far to realize the impact we can make by offering our unique talents, our abundant resources and our kindness to others. We give because it is our inherent nature to give. We give because we recognize there is One Source in the universe and that Source is unlimited…and the more we open to it the more it flows through us. How We Serve


Spiritual work doesn’t happen just on Sunday! You will find thoughtful and inspiring Facebook and Instagram posts every day. Rev Paula expands on a relevant topic in her weekly Blog offering guidance on how to apply the spiritual principles we know. Inspiration is all around you…you only need to notice.