It’s not so simple…it never is. Making a change, reaching a new goal, well, it can be tough. The important thing is to get started, to move, to act, to make one small change, to decide that it will be different.

The decision to change is the most powerful first step. It has to be something important enough, critical enough that the decision to change or to achieve a goal will drive, give energy and clarity to, everything that follows.

Reaching a goal is usually complex and it takes time. There are many factors and considerations. If reaching high goals was easy…as the saying goes…everyone would be doing it. Think of an Olympian…years of training, losses, injuries, diet, more training, traveling, competition, another loss, another win, reevaluation, refined training, another coach and lots of time. And yet, for every athlete who dreams of an Olympic gold medal there are so many who never stand on the podium. Knowing this, they persevere.

Let’s consider this same kind of approach when we discuss the devastating aspect of gun ownership in the US…murder. If we are to get a different outcome than the one we are currently experiencing, the important thing is that we get started. Doing nothing is not an option. The most important way to start is to make a decision about what we really want…a clear goal. Then we need to make every effort to understand the complexity of reaching the goal. We need to approach the problem from every angle. We have to acknowledge that it will take time…that there will be wins and losses. But if we stay on course, over the long haul we will reach our goal.

I feel sad and heavy-hearted about Parkland, FL, Las Vegas, Orlando, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, TX, Fort Hood, TX, Washington Navy Yard, San Bernardino, CA, Aurora, CO,  and Charleston, SC. I feel even more sad that this is only a partial list of mass murders this century so far.

Feeling sad is not enough. If we want to be a part of the solution we must listen and act. We must be vigilant and open to finding a way to get to our goal…from all angles…together. Change will not be easy…big change rarely is. Who will stay the course? Who will listen and then act? Who will come up with a new idea? Who will work tirelessly?

Hear what Mark Barden, father of Daniel who was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School and co-founder of Sandy Hook Promise has to say.

I challenge you to this at least. Make every communication and action you take move us toward a solution rather than further divide us…and be respectful.

Peace always