I recently heard this little itty-bitty phrase, “Vibrational Snob.” Okay, so it sounds kinda rude, but hang in there with me. When we get on an airplane and the flight attendants take their spot, ready to dictate to you the very specific instructions, they tell each parent the same thing; “In the event of a crash landing, the Oxygen masks will fall from above. Please place the mask on yourself first, then your child.”
Well, that’s interesting. Why would we so selfishly take care of our own needs before our young? Because if you faint from lack of oxygen, your child will be without you from that point forward. We must keep ourselves safe, so that we can keep our child safe.
Make sense? Great! Now apply that to EVERY CATEGORY OF YOUR LIFE.
I am a proud vibrational snob. My needs are met, my boundaries are firm, and I do not associate with low-vibing stuff. That means, I no longer sit at the tables where gossip, complaining, and criticism leads the conversation.
“But Chrissy, isn’t this being judgmental?” No, it’s simply discernment. We don’t have to make others wrong when we acknowledge what no longer works for us. Just tune-in to what feels right for you, trust that, and keep it moving. Other people’s paths are truly none of our business, anyway. Put that air mask on your face, take a big gulp of life, and allow yourself to show up at 100%. After all, if your goal is to help or inspire another, you have the best chance of doing that when YOU are at your best.