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Unblock your power to heal – and Let Go! When your power and true magical energy is flowing, anything is possible. Thousands of individuals have awakened their innate ability to heal – not only their own lives, but the lives of others by using simple yet powerful energy medicine techniques that are accessible to anyone.

Eileen has spent the last decade and a half developing a formula for changing your internal programing. She will share these techniques, Body Talk Access, to help you stay well and to help keep your family healthy.

She will also share Radionic Therapy (aka electromagnetic therapy). The aim of radionics is to identify any weaknesses or problems within your subtle energy field and repair them.

Please feel free to bring your own crystals to energize during the evening as Eileen will also soothe us with the sound vibration of her Angel Harp.

This work can be done sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. Bring whatever you need to be comfortable.

Love Offering graciously accepted.

Eileen MaryAnn Argenbright and Suzyn Walsh were the founders of the Integrative Healing Arts at Unity of Wilmington. They presented over 150+ workshops in various healing modalities. Eileen studied Health Kinesiology along with Dowsing, Oneness Deeksha and Reiki. She also holds a Masters Degree in Music Education and Performance and an Art Degree.