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Soul Center’s June Service Project will be to provide, prepare and distribute 150 bagged lunches for the homeless clients served by St. Jude Community Church’s ongoing Food Relief Program.

There will be a few different ways to participate.

  1. On Sunday, June 12th, we’ll be collecting non-perishable individually wrapped items: fruit cups, bags of chips and desserts (crunch bars, cookies, pudding cups, cupcakes, etc.) that will be included in these lunches.
  2. On that day, we’ll also be collecting monetary donations to help buy bottled water and the ingredients for making sandwiches.
  3. On Saturday, June 18th, we will gather at St. Jude’s (19 N. 26th Street) to assemble the lunches. There are also a few spots available to help the St. Jude’s driver deliver the lunches once they are packed.

Sign up at the Sunday service.

We are grateful for this opportunity to serve. Let’s give these folks our very best!