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People say, “Just let it go.”

But how do we do that? Want to learn how you can let go of your emotional baggage anytime, any place? Come to this workshop prepared to go home a little lighter. You will experience a very gentle but powerful method for letting go of strong emotions and repetitive patterns that are familiar, yet get in the way of who you are and who you desire to be. It’s simple, profound and it works.

Bring a pen and your journal with you.

The workshop will provide immediately beneficial transformational tools. It is also a great introduction to our upcoming 6 week ZOOM class which will extend and solidify your practice. You may choose to join the 6 week class which will meet online on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm, beginning April 16th.

Please contact Holly to register: hollykenney27@gmail.com or 910.547.1722

Love Offering.

Holly Kenney recently completed a coach certification in the Release Process passed down by Lester Levenson, the father of releasing. Holly has been a coach for over 20 years focusing on self love, joy and allowing goodness and awe. We know you see her with the young people at church but she teaches grownups too.

As a lover of transformation, she is trained in many different modalities, which leads her to listen to her guidance in using just the right tool in the moment. With her huge passion for teaching, she is being guided to be a catalyst to help others transform and grow.