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The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.
—Carl Jung

In the Hindu system of chakras, the fifth chakra is known as the seat of personal truth and authenticity.  Located in and around the throat, this energy center bridges the gap between our feelings and thoughts. In its most regenerated state, the fifth chakra allows us to acknowledge and express our personal truth with clarity and courage. Jewelry artist and hypnotherapist Jill Lahnstein invites you to adorn and honor your fifth chakra by designing and creating your very own necklace; in doing so, you will energize and fortify your ability to express your personal truth and authenticity. (You will have some fun, too!)

Jill will offer a curated bead selection on site. You will choose your very own combination of beads—glass, metal, wood, bone, and gemstones.  Clasps and stringing materials will be supplied as well. You may use your own beads and materials if you so desire!

Total Cost: $48

**Scholarships available. Contact Rev. Paula for details.