Take care of your self…your whole self. Seriously…care for your self.

Take care of your body. Get enough sleep, eat healthy food, move around, put your feet up, drop your shoulders, get a massage. Take care of your body…it has carried you this far. It deserves your kind attention and appreciation.

Take care of your mind. Give yourself time to think, ponder, imagine, dream, read, learn something new. Let your mind wonder and wander. Notice when it is overwhelmed, distracted, confused…and give it a break. Take care of your mind…it is the gateway to understanding and peace.

Take care of your soul. Meditate, pray, go into the silence. Practice this spiritual principle: treat others as you would have them treat you. This one practice feeds and enlivens the soul. It is how you become closer to who you really are…closer to God.

Taking care is really about giving care. It is about offering meaningful attention. A conscious balance of care for body, mind and soul brings you to a place of well-being. Where you can be satisfied, even content, with your self.

Imagine how it would feel to be content with your self…your whole self.

Much love