My friend and mentor, Rev. Beverly Bockover, left her body this week and moved fully into the next iteration of life. Many in her congregation are surprised. I am, too. While she had been dealing with physical discomfort there was really no indication that she would be leaving so soon.

This wisdom by Mark Nepo from The Book of Awakening helps me: “We can never be prepared for everything. No one person can anticipate all of life. God is seldom in our plans, but always in the unexpected.”

So, I feel sad today. I look back and remember the last time we spoke, our last hug, the promise to get together soon. I remember our lunches together, when she counseled and encouraged me as I ministered at my first church. I recall, with tears rolling down my cheeks, her belief in me and her love for me. She is one who saw more in me than I ever noticed or believed about myself.

And in this unexpected moment of loss, I remain open to knowing God more deeply. I let the Divine carry me in my sadness. I decide to trust in the mystery of life. And I honor the path and exquisite life of my friend by holding her spirit close in my heart…knowing she is not that far away after all.

Well done, Bev. Well done.
Love always