What if there really wasn’t any place you had to be? Really. When you catch yourself thinking, well, I have to be…just stop for a minute. You don’t “have to” anything. Usually what we mean when we say “I have to be…” is that there will be consequences and results from the choice we make.

“Have to be…” comes across as someone else forcing you to do something or to be a certain way. Not so. There is absolutely nothing you have to do or have to be. It is always your choice. You are the one who has to deal with the consequences or the result of that choice. That’s what makes it seem like “have to.”

So stop whining about all the stuff you have to do and all of the ways you have to be. It’s not true. Make the best choice, a conscious choice, from your heart…and you will experience the benefit of your decision. And let other people do the same thing.

Much love