It happened again. Call it poetry or not. It’s what it feels like to me.

Hoot Owls

From the courtyard last night the dogs took to barking.
Another four-legged off in the distance caught their attention,
And mine, as well.

I tilted my head and listened more keenly.
I walked a few feet closer, the dogs settled
Or got distracted by a stick.

It was a hoot owl,
And not so very far away
A clear hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

I smiled and leaned further toward the sound.
And then another, deeper, hoo-ho0.
Now, I was grinning.

Two owls having a conversation,
Flirting, arguing, discussing the day.
Who knows?

You should have heard the hoot owls last night.
They reminded me of how unaware I am
Of all that goes on while I sleep.