Fall is my favorite season. After a sultry, humid summer I am so ready for cool, crisp air. I can feel it enter my lungs. Breathing is refreshing and invigorating. I feel alive…I mean alive!!!

I want to feel that way all the time…alive, I mean. The cool air makes it easy, but I don’t have to wait for fall. I don’t have to wait for the weather to be just right. I want to feel alive for my life. Don’t you?

It’s all about being present to whatever life is right now. When it’s easy and when it’s hard. When I am full of enthusiasm and when I am exhausted. When I am alone and when I am not. When I am closed off and when I am engaged. When I am clickety-clacking along and when I am balled up in a corner.

When I am on my deathbed I want to be able to say…I showed up. I was there for my life. All of it. And it was good. It was a good life. Because I was there. I didn’t hide. It was real and it was mine. It was my life.

This cool air is a reminder for me. I can choose to be alive…really alive…no matter what.