I am sure there is blog in my archive about going with the flow. Probably, you’d find the same topic in one of my video messages too. The prevailing wisdom, go with the flow, can be confusing. Is going with the flow being happy with everything that happens? Does it mean saying yes to whatever shows up in life? What if I really want to swim the other way?
Going with the flow is not a mindless floating about. It is conscious and intentional. Because going with the flow includes checking in with how you feel. It’s not just about the flow as it happens to be swirling around you. It’s about alignment with the flow. And alignment is what we feel. It’s the ‘ah, yes, that’s it’ place.
Recently, I had a construction administration job offer show up in my life…by email. I turned it down. I had decided that my previous project would be the last. I wanted to focus on Soul Center and a few other things that had taken a back burner. Then a few weeks later the offer came back again. I had the thought…well, it showed up again so this must be the Universe calling out to me. It must be the flow inviting me in.
So, I sat in my chair and I asked myself…Paula, how do you feel about taking on this project? Not how much money could I make, not how much time it would require, not how could I fit it in my schedule, not how they really need my help. None of that. Only one question: How do you feel about it? How does it make you feel?
That’s alignment. Once you have alignment, the answer is clear.
No new project for me this time.