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Course Description – 
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

The word has deep spiritual power. This three-part virtual course will help you use the word–specifically the written word–to develop your connection to the Divine Source and live in the soul.  Each session will open with prayer and meditation and lead into specific writing activities designed to help you reach inward and connect to the sacred.  You will have the opportunity to share some of your writing and support others in doing so.  As a culminating project, you will create a personal “prayer card” or “spiritual manifesto” that you can use to remind yourself to live in the soul.

Required materials – journal or composition book or notebook and a favorite writing instrument.

Cost – $20 (includes January 10th, 17th and 24th). Scholarships available.

To Register – Email info@spiritualsoulcenter.org

Virtual Class Facilitated by – Rev Paula and Jill Lahnstein

Jill’s Bio – Jill Lahnstein has been writing all of her life, and her love of writing led her into a 25-year career teaching college-level composition and literature.  Over time, she has come to understand that words have power–that they are imbued with meanings that vibrate and resonate and that, when strung together with creativity and consciousness, they can lead to the empowerment of self and others.