I feel like I’m not making a difference and then stuff like this happens: a call from a contractor who says he’s so glad I’m working with him on this project, a Board member attending a project status meeting for the first time comments how impressed he is at how I manage his project, and five people in another meeting nodding their heads in agreement that what I offer is most important to our mission. All in one week.

It’s as if the Universe knows I am in a funk…and is reminding me of how we fit together to make a difference. Can I poke my head out of the spider web I seem to be stuck in? Am I willing to be inspired by the connected-ness of life?

As much as we might crave fierce independence, there is no doubt in my mind that we are all living in one giant pulse called Life. We run around the earth like so many separate bodies, losing our awareness to our stories and struggles, to our crises and unending distractions.

We forget that we are made of stardust. It is this stardust that connects us and makes us One. If we pay attention, it will nudge us, remind us, inspire us when we need it most.

Joni Mitchell was right:
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

From the garden
All is well